Humans That Forgot How To Be A Human

If you had the chance to send a message to the whole world, what would it be? There are some topics that we should be considering about ourselves lately. Those can be a bit harsh sometimes but it’s important to face with the reality always. I have five vital messages that i would like to send all of us. So here the list of mine goes like:

1)Look at the mirror

People are prone to look to others firstly in any situation: Maybe to look for their imperfections or find something to blame them for exonerating themselves from the situation. Unfortunately, there is a big “but” in here. But even the imperfections that we see in others are the inner reflections of us. Before getting into the idea of nothing is our fault, we should begin to look from the starting point which is ourselves. Also don’t forget, when you are looking at the mirror see both the dust and pureness. Ultimately, you should always try to reach out to the best version of yourself.

2)You are NOT the only one living in this planet

There is a story that I heard was something like this: Millions of years ago the home of the livings was the most heavenly and harmonious planet in the entire universe. Sadly, when I turn back to today’s world I’m guessing it was just a myth. We almost came to the point that kicking others from their home. I will never ever understand how we became so selfish and let their habitat become destroyed in front of their eyes. Sardonically, the detail that we still ignore is our home is slipping from our hands as well.

3)Emotions on!

In course of time, we started to just focus on the digital intelligence and forgot about the emotional intelligence which makes us a human actually. We are always complaining about the shortage of resources like coal and fossil fuels but what about the lack of empathy, kindness, conscience, sense of unity and belonging that we have lost?

4)Welcome to hierarchical system

Speaking of feelings, isn’t how we behave to each other completely changed? Still, in a restaurant some of the people acting like they’re in a higher status from waiters. They even compete with each other to make themselves look superior. We all now that money talks(!) but there’s no end of this competition. Furthermore, we all submit money to rule the world and us too.

5)Certificated Ignorants

Staying away from the news or ignoring the reality is what we all do recently. Because we only create a world with other’s opinions and what they say in social media or television. At the end we find ourselves in a situation that what they say is really matters to us and has a huge impact on us. Ignorance is having an idea about something without actually researching and questioning it but always afraid of the certificated ignorants. Since they have the power of brainwashing of the society.


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