When we look around us, the greenery and animals we see constitute the environment. The environment is the area where living things establish their own lives. While animals adapted to the environment by trying to survive, humans also poured their poisons into the environment to adapt and make their lives easier. So what is this poison?

The city I live in is a densely populated area with many residential areas. Industrialization in such cities may be higher than in other cities. As industrialization increases, the harm to humans also increases. Damages in our city are seen as follows; Air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution…
Air pollution consists of harmful gases from sugar factories and exhaust gases from vehicles. Although there is no sea in the city, the water we drink may be poisonous and may not be sufficiently purified because there is a lot of garbage in the dams, or water bodies such as Eymir Lake may be polluted due to waste. There is a lot of soil pollution in the streets, schools, shopping malls and parks. People do not throw away the garbage of the food they eat, they throw it on the ground, which pollutes the habitat of the soil and plants.
Although the cause of environmental pollution is humans, it is humans who suffer the greatest damage. Harmful gases in the air cause respiratory disorders in humans. For example, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis… Although animals are more resilient than humans, they can be affected by weather changes in the nature they live in. Plants produce food using air, and the harmful gases they use shorten their lives. Water pollution causes various damages. The poison in the water people drink poisons their bodies, so a kind of virus circulates in their bodies, and if this is a virus, an epidemic occurs. Ducks and fish living in lakes are losing their lives due to waste in the water, their habitats are being destroyed and they are becoming extinct as artificial selection increases. Soil pollution is an eyesore and causes dissatisfaction.

It is very easy to prevent environmental pollution that harms both the environment and living things. Humans can repair the poison spread by humans. Environmental pollution can be reduced by installing filters in factories, creating public areas, raising public awareness, using public transportation, and throwing garbage into garbage bins. Be your own poison protector. Also, do not spill it on other living creatures.

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