How Does Food Affect Our Mood?

Eating, a must in our lives in order for us to survive, and we might as well enjoy ourselves by eating a dessert once in a while to satisfy our sugar needs. But, what really lies behind that? Research shows that many people use eating as a coping mechanism to deal with stress and anxiety. Some may even tend to eat because of boredom. In one way, food really is helpful in order for us to cope with such feelings, and it makes some feel way better when they use food to soothe these feelings.

But, how is that even possible? Surprisingly, eating causes certain neurons in our brains to react to this kind of activity, which leads us to feel different depending on what we eat. For example, chocolate. The level of sugar in it causes a great reactivity in our neurons and makes us as energetic as ever, while increasing the level of dopamine in oneself. Which also results in activating the reward and satisfaction in the brain. A person can repeatedly eat a certain type of food for them to replace negative feelings with of joy and pleasure. In the long run, eating this way can cause one to develope unusual behaviours and even if it provides comfort, or even security; this won’t end well, for both the physical and mental health.

In conclusion, I believe that food can have a big impact in our lives, and it can take oh such a huge place, where we won’t even be able to take a step back anymore. That’s why in most cases, eating isn’t a fine method to cope with such emotions, and speaking with a professional may be the best way to heal when one is in such a state.

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