How Could That Have Been Your Last Choice?

Everyone always has multiple choices in their life. It is up to them to take them into action or leave them stranded like a boat in the middle of the ocean. To me the most complicated choice has been if life is actually worth living or just simply not. It has its ups as well as its downs but everyone has a purpose right? That is what I have been told at least.

The last memory I have of my friends was when we were chilling on a sun bed judging the people that walked by, for fun that is. I guess we really had nothing better to do with our time. At that time we weren’t really aware of reality. I guess we all needed something to snap back to it. Our conversation had suddenly turned into an emotional one. I remember one of my friends asking why we were alive. We all gave very similar answers because none of us really knew the reason why. One of my friends answered “You never know how long you are going to live, so try and live it to the fullest because it might not be an option later on. The reason we are live are because we aren’t fed up with life yet”. She was right, none of us were. That is probably the best memory I have of my friends and I together.

One day, when summer vacation was over I remember getting a call out of the blue. The call was to inform me that my friend which was very dear to me had taken her own life. All I could ask was “How could that have been your last choice?” while standing over her grave.


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