How Can We Get a Toxic Relationship?

People always get jealous of others. Jealousy can end the most lovely friendship, marriage, and any other relationship. It can be counted as one of the most dangerous and powerful feelings. Jealous can do incredible things to a human being. Humans always find a way to not be happy and not be grateful for what they have. Always want more, doing such things cruel for having them. However, if people would be grateful and okay with what they have and not be greedy, everyone can be happy.

There is a statement from Tolstoy’’ Perhaps my happiness comes from the following: I rejoice at what is happening in me, and I do not fall on those who are not’’.And it is trying to say that people should not look at what others have because if we look, we always find a way to make us not happy and not grateful.

I am agreeing with Tolstoy because of this statement. Of course, everyone has some time or age about being jealous about some things it is important that learn what is wrong and what is correct. And people should not act jealous and cruel to people they like or love. They do it mostly and after that saying, I am saying it for your sake, I am doing it for your sake’’.And people can get fooled too easily as we know. And after that guess what is coming: a toxic relationship between a jealous friend and pure friend.

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