How can books affect us?

I think a good book can change the readers perspective, if the writer has a logical explanation and is defending a reasonable argument, so a writer can change the readers opinion. People also need some different ideas. These ideas can help reader. Different ideas have always positive effects, they don’t have any negative effects. Maybe they can confuse the reader. These confusions can sometimes be positive and maybe sometimes be negative this is changeable to time to time. Actually, people like approval when they encounter an opposing point of view, their first reaction is to question their own thoughts, which psychologically leads them to believe in “The other perspective is more logical.”

People learn new information through reading, refresh their knowledge, or learn the updated version of the incorrect information they knew. For example, in the past, people used to think that eggs increased cholesterol, and even doctors told patients with high cholesterol to stop eating eggs. However, researches have shown that eggs have no effect on cholesterol.

This is a specific example of the need for people to refresh their knowledge throw time. Books can change people’s thoughts by introducing new ideas, different perspectives, and various life experiences. They can shape a person’s values, beliefs, and worldview. Books also help people develop empathy and understand different ways of life and culture. In this way, each book can bring about a change in a person’s mindset. For example, a book about a culture that the reader is not familiar with can introduce new concepts that make them think in ways they haven’t had before.

Additionally, books develop the reader’s ability to empathize, as they can see things from the perspective of the main character or other characters, allowing them to explain events from different point of view.

People need to read more books and encounter more different perspectives. By doing so way people can become more sensible and knowledgeable. writers should be more careful as well, because their books can affect people negatively and positively. If it has positive effects, there is no problem since this means a development but if it has negative effects there is a big problem which people should think on carefully in their daily lives.

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