Household Waste

First, what do you think environmental pollution and household waste mean? Waste is divided into two types: recyclable and non-recyclable waste. All kinds of negative effects that occur in the environment and can disrupt the health of living beings and  environmental values  are called environmental pollution. Some of the household waste can also be recycled.

Although household waste does not have much harm but  it has a number of harms. Well, what are they? There are harmful such as environmental pollution or image pollution. Napkins, newspapers, magazines, plastic-glass bottles, and all plastics are examples of household waste. Some governments are imposing limits on household waste to prevent environmental pollution. I think this is the wrong decision. Because, as I said, household waste does not cause much harm, except for environmental and image pollution. In addition, the benefits of household waste are much greater than the harms. For example, it contributes to the protection of the environment, resources are used more economically, garbage waste that will harm human health is prevented or energy efficiency increases…

Unfortunately, some substances can not be recycled. For example, cardboard cups, packaging papers, vegetable and animal wastes, some glass products… Most of us think that cardboard cups can be recycled, but it is not. I can give rights to some governments, since recycling has both harmful and good consequences. But  since there are more benefits, I think there should be no limit on household waste.

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