Hostage Situation

“Don’t step closer or ill shoot!” shouted the man as he was holding the handgun to his girlfriend’s head…

18.10.22 in America California at 19:32 a 911 call was made. “911 what’s your emergency?” A woman can be heard whispering to the phone. “Help.” Operator tries to understand the woman’s situation, asking her the problem… “Help is on the way.”

The police and the SWAT are informed about the situation. They quickly move into the apartment that the crime is happening. The one who is in distress is 21-year-old May Griffin and the suspect 22-year-old David Miller. He’s apparently the boyfriend of the woman. Dave may be armed as May states and is intoxicated. Its not safe to enter the complex yet as Dave’s armament and position is unknown. What’s know is May fears that she may get hurt by Dave, coursing her to make this call while hiding in a closet stating that his boyfriend is not stable emotionally because he lost his mom and dad in a car crash few weeks ego resulting in not going to work and drinking extensive amounts of alcohol.

20:02 the 911 operator has lost contact with the victim. The call resulted in muffled shouting and screams. Gun shots can be hear as everything goes silent in the building afterwards. SWAT and the Police surrounds the building. A sniper is placed at the opposite side of the building on top of a roof. The sniper does have line of site of the inside however can’t locate Dave or May. The Police tried to make multiple attempts at communicating with Dave using a megaphone but no success is yet to be reached.

SWAT is tired of waiting around and made a plan to clear the house using gas. Although its not know if May is still alive or Dave has taken her hostage. Regardless they have to act fast to potentially save May. As they are about to move in…… “S6-1 I have eyes on the target.” the radio buzzes. The sniper suddenly enquires visual on Dave and May. Dave is seen, thru the window, holding a gunpoint on May who is assumed to be taken hostage. She is struggling to escape him and seems to be uninjured.

At 20:43 SWAT breaches the door and moves in as now the position of the suspect is known. They call out and clear each room for more survivors. No one is found… The only place that is not searched is the end of a hallway leading to the bedroom and the restroom which is where the subjects are at. Contact is made with Dave and he keeps shouting “Don’t step closer or I’ll shoot!”. A negotiator is called and a conversation starts between Dave and officer behind cover. He at first acts hesitant to speak with the officer but as the officer talks with him the tension drops. Officer tells Dave that he relates to him but he states that this can all end if he puts the gun down.

He assesses his situation and after, 21:29, almost 2 hours after the first 911 call it is over as Dave puts down his weapon and complies with the SWAT team. A traumatic event that could have ended thousand times worse ends the best way possible…

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