Home-Office Working

These days, we can see an increase in the number of news related to the home-office concept and the increasing demand for this phenomenon. With the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and rapidly developing technology in the world, the concept of the office is being forgotten day by day. Homes of people are starting to become their new office. So, is this new stage in working life beneficial for people? Has it got enough benefits to be fully applied globally?

Since the beginning of the pandemic, as people have been forced to stay at home for their health, they had to do all their things from home. As an alternative, the idea of working from home arose globally. In a modern world office, as most of the office jobs are done via laptops or digital devices, The need for having a special office for working decreased significantly. That’s why people are shifting to working from home today. This phenomenon has lots of benefits for office workers. As they don’t need to arrive at the office at a specific time, more flexible work is possible for them. Also, workers get rid of the cost of transportation every single day. If they have kids or families, they will have the chance to see them more frequently and spend some more time together. They can also stay healthier with the homemade food they cook during their breaks.

On the other hand, if we think from an employer’s perspective, things become much more different. As all the workers are in different places, their own homes, it will be harder for the boss to communicate with them. It will also be harder for employers to follow the process of work and check if everything is alright. Furthermore, some problems with work efficiency can be affected by this home-office process. As all the workers are in their comfort zones, the process of work can slow down compared to working in an office. I think it would be a strategically correct move to change the main working system from a 9-5 job to a task-based system, which increases the concentration and motivation of workers.

To sum up, with benefits and drawbacks, home-office working is an increasing trend in the whole world. In my opinion, it should be applied everywhere possible to provide a better life for digital employees. The world is already employer-centered enough and every step that results in worker benefit is needed.

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