Heal The World

There are some special days that are important and needed to be known by all the people in the world. These days are crucial because they touch on the significance of some issues. For instance,  children play an essential role in our lives. And a day is dedicated to the world’s children and it is celebrated on 20 November as it was declared by the United Nations.

Children of today are working hard to acquire a profession to enhance the quality of their lives in the future. And they are the ones who will grow up and become the scientists, the doctors and the teachers of our country. They will be living in this country and presumably, many of us will not be able to see their accomplishments. However, it does not mean that we should take them for granted. As John F. Kennedy once said, Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. We must encourage them to do their best.

We must leave our children a world where they will not suffer from some essential issues such as ignorance and its consequences. The only way to overcome ignorance is to receive a decent education.  Education is one of the most important things to maintain our lives. Had we not received a good education, we would not have had any idea about anything. We could not have made a comment about even a simple thing. Think about how bad it would be if we were illiterate. We would not be able to read the newspaper or express our feelings in writing. So, we should make sure that all the children get an education in all over the world without discriminating the genders. We should make the system of education better. They deserve it.

We should teach our children what is respect. Respect is something everyone should learn when they are little. Unless they learn it when they are adults, it might be very late and it can affect their relationships with people and living things.  Children must be taught about respect to the world. And we should respect each other so that they can see what we are doing and imitate us. And they will know that they are doing something which is appreciated.

Do not forget that we are the ones whom children look up to. Please mend your ways. As it is mentioned in Michael Jackson’s one of the biggest hits, “Heal the world we live in, save it for our children”.




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