Animal Experiments

Experimenting on animals that causes physical or psychological pain is against animal rights. This is the case with experiments of all kinds, whether medical, scientific, commercial or otherwise. International declarations are valid for all countries. Experimentation on animals should be banned immediately in every country.

All kinds of animals can be used in experiments, depending on the subject and purpose of the study, but the most used animal species all over the world are: fish, cats, dogs, rodents (mostly mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits), poultry, equids (horse, donkey). , mules), ruminants, marine mammals, non-human primates. In Turkey and in most countries, some prohibitions or restrictions have been imposed on the use of non-human primates in experiments due to their genetic similarity with humans. Animals used in experiments are referred to as "experimental animals" or "laboratory animals" in all legal texts governing animal experiments, but these definitions are controversial in terms of animal rights advocacy. Although it is a condition that animals used in experimental and scientific procedures to be carried out in Turkey are to be purchased from a "registered experimental animal producer"; If scientific reasons are presented that the purpose of the study can be realized in this way, it is possible to use cats and dogs in the streets or nursing homes in experiments. The same applies to great apes, whose experimentation is expressly prohibited by law.

The animals used in the experiments can be used in other studies or killed at the end of the experiment, depending on factors such as the severity category of the procedure and the general state of health after the procedure. There are different killing methods determined for each species, and if the animal has permanent damage or severe pain, it is killed by one of the appropriate methods. The name of the killing process is sacrificing or euthanasia. Provided that it does not affect the result of the experiment; If pain and painful applications are in question, animals can be anesthetized during the procedure, and painkillers can be given after the procedure.
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