Happy or Unhappy with Knowledge

The question of whether knowledge makes people happy is an issue that has been discussed for years and has been the subject of philosophers and psychologists.

According to Socrates, the purpose of life and the highest goal that everyone pursues throughout life is happiness. The way to achieve happiness is knowledge. Because knowledge about people and life, and of course correct knowledge, leads people to take correct actions. When a person starts to think about his actions in general, his life, the purpose of life, what has happened to him, his relationships with other people, and the things he pursues through his actions throughout his life, one of the main topics he will inevitably come into contact with is happiness. Socrates thought that being virtuous, that is, being happy, lies in realizing oneself through right actions. Taking right actions also depended on one being knowledgeable, especially in practical matters. However, in such a situation, the person’s doing evil or committing bad actions was entirely due to his ignorance. Because within the framework of this understanding, a person could not knowingly and willingly do evil.

I believe that knowledge can only make people happy if it is used appropriately and on time. So information is just like money. It is not possible for a person to be happy with the money in his pocket; On the contrary, it will cause harm unless it is used or even used appropriately. Likewise, if knowledge is used correctly, it makes you happy, but if it is not used correctly, it makes you unhappy.Information serves as a tool that takes people from one place to another. It means living life first beautifully, then more beautifully, and finally in the most beautiful way, to keep it alive, to make it worth living. Information is one of the primary tools needed to live a beautiful and quality life. In order for the information to be useful in practice, it is important to use it correctly and appropriately. Knowledge used in a good way produces good results, and seeing these results makes people happy.Information that is not used is just garbage. For example, a latest model vehicle in front of your door can be nothing more than a pile of tin unless you use it. However, using it will always add innovation and liveliness to that vehicle. You can achieve what you want with its appearance and the comfort it provides you, and this will make you happy.  In fact, we can say that knowing useful things brings happiness, and knowing harmful things brings unhappiness. Or sometimes, while knowing a subject to a certain level makes you happy, knowing too much can make you unhappy. Or it may vary depending on the subject. Some issues make you happy, while others make you unhappy.Information is like a mineral ore. It wants to be processed, to produce different products from itself, and to reflect them in life in the most beautiful way. Unprocessed mineral is nothing but a pile of stone or metal.Knowledge is the state of beauty in the mind. If knowledge leads to good events, happiness is inevitable. Being both knowledgeable and happy, or both knowledgeable and unhappy, is in one’s own hands. What matters is how you process that information and add it to your life.

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