I suddenly woke up.I was soaking wet.It took me a while to get myself togheter.As soon as my mind was open I saw a door in front of me.It was written’’ FEAR’’on it.I barely could stand up but with all my power I did.With small and slow steps I walked up to the door.I held the door knob and opened it slowly,I did not know what to expect.I overcame my fear and looked through.The first thing I saw was a huge spider swinging infront of my eye.I had a phobia called Arachnaphobia I had a small hearthattack.After five to ten seconds another image caught my eye.It was my mom and dad in a busy traffic the wheather was rainy a truck infront of them slipped of and fell on my parents car.I shouted as hard as I could I started to shed tears.The pain I felt was immaculate.I was done with these scenarios showing up.After a few seconds I could not stand it, so I closed the door I went back to bed,layed down and waited for hours just looking at the clock acroos the wall.I could hear everything even the ticking sound that the clock made after every second.I thought I was going crazy.I started to hear sounds saying:You should leave now,We are coming after you.I was full of fear.I heard a knock on my door.I felt my soul leaving my body.My mom entered in and I felt a huge relief in my heart.She left me my medicine and she took my temperature.My body heat was thirty nine and a half degrees celcius at that moment It tourns out that my mind was playing tricks on me,I was hallucianting the whole time.I layed on my back knowing any of that was not true but at end of the day I was illand needed to be cured.

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