Green Energy

Energy is one of the most necessary things for people today. Energy should not be seen only as electricity, energy is always used. The chemical energy in the food we eat turns into kinetic energy thanks to our muscles in our body, and these energy transformations take place in many different ways and sources. Green energy is one of these transformations. Electrical energy generally produces electrical energy by using the thermal energy generated by burning coal, but the gases produced during the combustion process harm the environment, so we are looking for ways to produce electricity with a transformation that does not involve combustion, and we have found many of these ways. These ways cause very little damage to the environment because there is no combustion process. Some of these methods use thermal energy from the sun, some use wind, some use water flowing down a slope. These are all eco-friendly and non-combustion conversions. Another problem is that fuels such as coal will run out after a while and there will be a big electricity crisis in the world, but this will not happen if we invest enough in green energy. Thanks to these green energy sources, the world will be able to meet its energy needs without the need for resources that are about to run out and that harm the environment.



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