Technology is a core component of the human experience. Since the earliest days of our species, we've been creating tools to help us change the physical world. Any attempt to enumerate the most important technological breakthroughs is certainly up for debate. But there are some major advancements that should probably be found in such a list (in chronological order):
FIRE- It can be argued that fire was discovered rather than invented. Undoubtedly, primitive peoples had observed some phenomena caused by fire, but they could not take full advantage of this new tool until they learned how to control it, how to produce it. The earliest use of fire dates back 2 million years; The widespread use of this technology took place approximately 125,000 years ago. Fire gave us warmth, protection, and gave rise to a number of inventions and skills such as cooking. The ability to cook helped our enlarged brains get essential nutrients and give us an undeniable advantage over other primates.
WHEEL – The wheel was invented by the Mesopotamians around BC to be used to make pottery. It was invented in 3500 BC. About 300 years later, the wheel was added to a carriage, and the rest is known. Wheels are ubiquitous in our daily life; They facilitate our transportation and trade.
NAIL – The earliest known use of these very simple but extremely useful metal binders dates back to BC. It dates back to Ancient Egypt around 3400 BC. If you're a fan of screws, they've been around since the Ancient Greeks (1st or 2nd century BC).
OPTICAL LENS-From eyeglasses to microscopes and telescopes, optical lenses have greatly expanded the possibilities of vision. Although first developed by the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians, they have a long history, including the basic theories of light and vision contributed by the Ancient Greeks. Optical lenses were influential components in the creation of media technologies in photography, film and television.
COMPASS- This navigational device ha
s been a great force in human research. The first compasses It was made from timber in China between 300 and 200 BC.
PAPER BC in China Invented around 100, paper is indispensable in allowing us to write and share our ideas.
Gunpowder- This chemical explosive, invented in China in the 19th century, has been an important factor in military technology (and by extension, wars that changed the course of human history).
PRINTING MACHINE – Invented by the German Johannes Gutenberg in 1439, this device in many ways laid the foundation for our modern era. It enabled the reproduction of text and images, usually by printing on surfaces such as paper. This revolutionized the spread of knowledge and religious beliefs. Books were previously copied by hand, usually by monks.
ELECTRICITY – The use of electricity dates back to ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, when a number of brilliant minds contributed over thousands of years when Thales of Miletus carried out the first studies of the phenomenon. Benjamin Franklin of the 19th century American Renaissance significantly increased our understanding of electricity, although he was not instrumental in his discovery. It's hard to imagine how important it was for electricity to become human, as we run a large part of our electrical installations and shape our way of life. The invention of the light bulb, although a separate contribution attributed to Thomas Edison in 1879, is certainly an important extension of the ability to use electricity. It has changed our way of life, changing the way our cities look and function.
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