Good Movies Good Mental Outlook

Mental outlook can be described as a pair of glasses that you decide to wear. It can be affected by many different things. For example, good movies can have the potential to alter the mental outlook of its viewers.


Before I talk about how a good movie can affect someone, I think that it is important to describe what a good movie is in my opinion. I think that a good movie needs a good script that has action sprinkled through the movie so that it isn’t boring, well-written characters with good character arcs and character flaws, an antagonist with motivation, nice visual effects and cinematography, carefully made fight scenes and a memorable soundtrack.


When explaining how a good movie can change a person’s mental outlook one of the best examples is Star Wars. There are a lot of things in Star Wars that can change a person’s mental outlook. For example Anakin Skywalker/ Darth Vader’s story shows us that it is never too late to do the right thing and there is always a second chance. In the movies this is portrayed by him throwing Palpatine down the Death Star. But in real life this can be restarting a hobby that you did when you were younger but you quit later on. Another example is Luke never giving up and training to become a Jedi. When someone watches Star Wars for the first time and they see Luke not give up even when he is met with very harsh conditions and challenging situations they might be inspired themselves to not give up against any hardships they might be facing.


To summarize mental outlook of a person which is how they see the world can be affected by multiple thing one of them being movies. Good movies can affect people emotionally if people felt that the movie characters were relatable. Emotions of a person affect their thoughts and behaviors. Everyone can face ups and downs and when people have difficulties in life their mental outlook is very important. And seeing movie characters like Luke Skywalker face hardships in his life might help someone’s mental outlook on the difficulties they are facing.


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