Global Warning

Global warming can be defined as the gradual increase in the temperature of the earth by damaging the atmosphere surrounding the earth for various reasons. The biggest causes of global warming are the increase in the world’s population day by day, the use of underground fossil fuel resources, the release of methane gas formed in landfills into the atmosphere, the negative effects of perfumes and similar products, toxic gases from car exhausts and environmental pollution. As it is known, the atmospheric layer that surrounds the earth and protects the earth from the harmful rays of the sun is starting to deteriorate day by day. The ozone layer, which is responsible for blocking the harmful rays of the sun, is gradually thinning and becoming unable to do its job. The rays and heat coming to the earth from the sun are reflected back into the atmosphere. However, water particles in the air, i.e., vapor, methane gases retain some of these rays and heat, causing the world to remain bright and warm. Methane gases, which are formed more than necessary in the world, cause the world to be warmer by holding lighter and heat. Therefore, visible changes occur on the earth.

We all have various duties to stop or minimize global warming. If we can stop environmental pollution, if we do not use perfume and similar substances that damage the atmosphere more than necessary, we may have positive effects. We should avoid waste and save money in every subject. Even the toxic gases emitted by our car that we use in vain can cause great damage to the atmosphere.

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