Global Village: The Best Place To Live


Global village is a term which defines the world today. As the countries are closer with globalization, the world turns into a global village. It has so many impacts on people’s lives. There are both advantages and disadvantages of living in a global village. I do not think that living in a desert is better than living in the global village because of many reasons. Deserts do not have water and are very hot so it is not easy to live in a desert. However, living in the global village may be advantageous by taking some precautions.

Global village has its own health, education and security services. People in a global village can easily move to other places and learn about new cultures. Students can study in another country and learn new language easily. Technology also created global village. People can easily visit other countries, universities, museums virtually or watch a very popular theatre or concert alive without going anywhere. Global village creates global citizens. It is a big advantage to have friends from different countries and make business cooperation.

There are so many global companies such as Amazon, Google, Apple, McDonalds or Siemens. Their employees are in all parts of the world which makes them global brands. Living in a global village means using these global brands wherever you are. They can benefit from very high quality health services and study at very good universities. There are also lots of shopping malls where people can find whatever they want. There is no point in comparing a desert with a global village. Deserts are the places where people can not live. They do not have shelters, food and water which makes it difficult to live.

In conclusion, global village is a term indicating the world as a small place where people can communicate and interact easily. However, if people do not use the natural resources economically, drive personal cars, consume a lot, do not give importance to recycling and cut the forests, the global village will turn into a hell. Since the natural resources are limited, increasing population will not be fed and people will die of starvation. If people protect the environment, find new alternative energy sources such as wind, wave, solar energy, the global village is the best place to live for all human beings.

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