Global Partnership

Do you think cooperation is necessary to achieve the aims set for the future of humanity in a global context? Sometimes the partnership may seem not an essential factor to achieve goals that are set for our community but things are changing in worldwide goals because the task is getting bigger and cooperation for their sustainability become more necessary than ever and we can easily say it has a significant part of achieving goals.

First of all, humanity is a global notion and if we based on this the way which achieve the goals set for its future should be global. Therefore cooperation becomes indispensable. “Partnership for goals” is one of the seventeen SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals, were set in 2015 by the international community as part of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through which countries of the world collectively pledged to eradicate poverty, find sustainable and inclusive development solutions, ensure everyone’s human rights.). As we know sustainable development is a substantial goal set for the future of humanity which brings us to the importance of partnership again. On the other hand, the partnership has one or two downsides for some comminutes. People who like trying to achieve goals individually, more than doing it in a partnership, find cooperation redundant but as I say they only can “try” if there is no cooperation, and as Benjamin Franklin says We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

To conclude, although the partnership has a few downsides, it is fundamental and indispensable in achieving the goals set for the future of humanity. In changing world any goal (set for the future of humanity) needs improvement or enrichment in these conditions partnership is essential in so many ways. It seems like worldwide cooperation will become increasingly important day by day…

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