Give A Chance

The sky was a beautiful mix of blue and white, decorated with snowflakes full of hope. Hope that the new year will bring change, or possibly a miracle. The happy ever afters in the new year movies are a must as soon as December rolls around, the cheeky elf and the welcoming Santa is also a recurring favourite. However, none of these new year traditions are enough to make me enjoy this season. If I am being honest, this time of year only reminds me of wishes that never came true and disappointments. Today is the 31st of December, it is the final day of the season, and I can’t wait for the snow to stop and glitters to disappear.

While I was lost in my thoughts wondering about my feelings I realized: It was only seconds before the new year. Suddenly I lost the feeling in my feet as my eyes rolled and I lost consciousness. After what felt like forever, I woke up in a room filled with the things I despised the most: new year decorations. I hoped for a sick joke and closed my eyes tightly wishing to wake up from this horrible nightmare. After a couple of seconds, I opened my eyes again and to my surprise it wasn’t a joke after all. I got out of the bed worried and scanned the room till my observations were interrupted by my screams. I saw myself in a mirror, dressed as an elf with ears and sparkling overalls. While I was looking more paler by second, Santa barged in. He looked worried but with a welcoming smile started speaking “You must have a lot of questions right now my dear; however, we don’t have time. I took back the time 12 hours before New Year, meaning we only have 11 hours and 40 minutes, 23 seconds to save this day.” His explanation was clear but still left me with a lot of questions, “How am I supposed to help you, I hate this time of the year and I certainly hate looking like I was dipped in glitter!” He sighed, still trying to keep his spirit alive “I will take you to meet the other elves at the workshop and they will explain how and what you can do, and I have a feeling you will get used to the glitter and sparkles very soon.” Before I could ask anything, he was gone, and I was in a workshop with elves.

An elf approached me looking concerned and started speaking “Santa informed us that you would be coming, however you look a little pale can I interest you in hot chocolate?” I shook my head right and left signaling that my answer was a no. The elf continued “We must get started immediately, there are many presents to be wrapped and delivered.” After our quick little chat, the time passed awfully quickly, before I knew it I was wrapping presents while joking with the elves. I got used to the environment and laughing at the elves horrible jokes quicker than I expected. I lost the track of time and accidently glued the elf to the toy and exclaimed “ I am so sorry I completely dazed off.” The elf smiled “No problem but we have to hurry, we only have an hour till new year!” With the warning of the elf everybody started to run around in the glittery workshop, wrapping presents to be delivered to their lovely owners. I packaged the last gift as the elf once again warned us that we had 30 minutes left. The elves and me had become a team following each others steps with the perfect harmony. Santa came in asking for the gifts, after we loaded the presents in his sled he stopped me before I could leave “I need your help, we only have 15 minutes to deliver these gifts.” I didn’t question but hugged my new elf friends with hope that I will see them again.

Me and Santa flew on his sled over the beautifully decorated houses, I noticed that this experience with elves made me realize that new year and wishes weren’t such a bad thing after all. Santa turned towards me and spoke “We only have 1 minute left to deliver this toy to the girl, and I would like you to do the honours since you helped me so much.” I thanked him and made my down into the chimney, as soon as I found the tree I placed the gift carefully but couldn’t stop myself from admiring the gorgeous house, it seems familiar but I can’t quite put my finger on it. While I was lost in my thoughts and heard a little girls voice, I quickly hid since I didn’t have time to get out. The little girl looked so much like me, as the mother called the girls name I realized that the little girl was me when I was around five. I watched her open up her gift of an elf doll and suddenly remembered that my new years wish that year was to became and elf and help Santa. I guess I was to quick to judge and wishes do come true after all.


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