Genetic Engineering and It’s Potential Changes To Our World

In the past few years, research for genetics have sky rocketed in terms of practice while this may seem like a fantastic change to our world what will it actually cause and will it be entirely for good?

Most regular people currently don’t have access to technology that labs and professional scientists are using but just imagine what would happen if it was, because it’s a possibility that this type of advancement will be open for more people to use and while this may contribute to the number of workers and seem like a good change it’s certain not everyone will use this for good.

And I think some people don’t realize but with such advancements don’t we ever stop and think we are losing a piece of our humanity by changing and altering our DNAs or changing other species sometimes entirely for our own benefit, while what I’m saying touches on an entirely different topic It really does seem AI is mastering to become more human while us humans are doing deeds everyday to become less and less human.

This is not to say that Genetic Engineering can’t be used for good, In fact the pros probably out weights the cons but we must remember to not take things too far.

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