Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering, one of today’s professions, is a profession that provides new functions to living things by making certain changes in the characteristics of their unique hereditary diversity. So, what roles does genetic engineering play in terms of the future of humanity and what kind of positive or negative developments do these roles involve?


            First of all, let’s answer what genetic engineering graduates do. Genetic engineering graduates can work in certain sectors, in many fields such as biological research, design, production, living or non-living quality control and management. What I mean is that genetic engineering and bioengineering graduates are responsible for the design and design, analysis, extraction, operation and control of biological systems. They took lessons to learn how to do it. To give a more specific example about their working areas, they can also work in private institutions such as cancer treatment centers and institutions that work on plant and animal characteristics and functions. Even while studying at university, they can work through certain institutions in certain treatments such as in vitro fertilization and treatment in hospitals, genetic diagnosis and repair in living things, and stem cell recruitment.

          If we look at the important and positive effects of genetic engineering on the future of humanity, we can say the following; One of the important areas of application of genetic engineering is industry and production. Various treatments for various diseases can be reproduced or produced by industry through various institutions and organizations. If the results obtained from the treatment are in the desired direction, the treatment can be continued, multiplied and even taken further by providing more budget support through various institutions and organizations. With the same budget, support and technology, the gene of a living thing can be replicated in its genome, improved and made better in terms of structure and function.

         If we look at the negative aspects of genetic engineering about the future of humanity, we can say the following; The resources of countries, and even the resources of this world, are certain and limited, and as a result, they cannot be enough for everyone. If we find a cure for every disease or illness or apply it for free, the economy of both our country and the world will be damaged. In the end, we consume zero. Of course, the necessary treatments can be applied by the necessary institutions and organizations, but finding treatment for diseases that cause a great deal of death will be our end. First of all, finding a cure for diseases that can cause death requires a lot of resources, technology, time, experiments, effort and most importantly money. Once the treatment is found, multiplying, producing and applying it for each patient requires even more resources.

         To summarize, genetic engineering has both positive and negative effects on the future of humanity. How positive and how negative it will be will take shape day by day.

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