Gender Discrimination

“As a woman, I do not have a country.” a quote by Virginia Woolf (English writer). This quote looks quite simple but it has a deeper meaning than it seems. You may say no you do have a country, the country that you were born in is your country but again in my opinion we have to look into it deeper than we do. It is more like a country that does not care for women very well when they get hurt by the inequality problems, so the gender inequality takes women away from “their country”.

As women, all around the world women get used to being underestimated by other people. For example in past years people were using women like slaves; they think women are just responsible for home responsibilities and other non-important stuff. Moreover, after a couple of years, the government gradually began to give rights to women. With these women rights, most of the women are now living comfortably and also living in safety in their own country also they can easily say that “I have a beautiful country”. In other words, people recognize that all genders are equal everywhere.

If we look at our topic from a different perspective we can see lots of discrimination examples between women and men. The government decrease the amount of discrimination against women rights but we know they could not finish this difference among genders. Some women can say “I do have a country.” but some of them are could not because of the conditions they have.

As a result, women have been bullied a lot by men for many years. This gender discrimination greatly reduces the quality of life of women. The rights brought to women in recent years have caused them to live much better than in previous years. Although gender inequality is still a problem today, it is not a huge problem like it was in the past. However today gender discrimination also causes major problems.





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