The complex question that comes to everyone’s mind; Would you rather be able to see the future or change the past? In fact, I can give a very clear answer to this question, even though it seems very complex. I would definitely like to see the future. Because I would like to seek answers to questions that I wonder in the future rather than what I would like to correct in the past. I wouldn’t want to correct my mistakes in the past, it’s because every mistake I make is a reward for me in the future. If we don’t learn from our mistakes, how will we learn the truth? So, would you like everything to be perfect? If you ask me, I wouldn’t want that either, because I think we should have some experiences in this life. What do you think I would like to see in the future? I used to realize the negativities that might come my way in the future and try to come back from my mistakes. Yes, I was the one who said that we must have made mistakes, but I am not talking about correcting my ordinary mistakes. I can fix it. I just don’t get in the way of my death unless it’s before the age of 100. What about you? Would you rather be able to see the future or change the past?
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