From Cradle to Grave


When a baby is born, he/she starts to adapt to life. He/she has to learn something to survive. Life is a place where a person should improve himself/herself. There is a famous saying ‘Learning is from cradle to grave’. At every stage of life, people learn something. It starts in the family and continues at school. Actually, every place is a school. Schools do not have to be surrounded by walls because it is not a physical environment. Sometimes making mistakes teach us lots of things. When we travel, eat, write, talk, and entertain, there are always things to learn. People can learn from their environment. Particularly with the advancement of technology and new communication channels such as social media, it is easier to learn. A person can easily enter the libraries of high-quality, universities virtually, do research on Google, and access any kind of information. There are online courses that people can attend and improve themselves. However, people mostly use social media to chat and watch videos which is a big handicap for learning. In fact, technological devices are very beneficial for learning. Computers, mobile phones, and tablets are the devices that help to access any kind of information. For instance, there are online lectures by professors and teachers who teach different topics. For people, who want to learn, there is no special place to learn. Every place is a school or university and every person is a teacher. The important thing is to have the desire to learn. If a person looks from a different perspective and aims to develop himself, it is easier to learn. That is mostly related to perception. Good learners know to learn from their mistakes and try not to make the same mistake again. Education is the most important indicator of development. Developed countries first invest in education and found the highest quality education institutions so many leaders are taught in these universities who lead the country smartly. Education always makes a difference. People can become rich and have everything but they can lose everything in one day, the only thing that a person never loses is knowledge. It goes everywhere with the person and knowledge is respected. Whatever a person wears, wherever they live, or whatever they eat does not matter. The important thing is what a person reads and what he/she does to improve himself/herself to contribute to society and make difference.

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