Flying İn My Dream

Any person at any age, no matter how old or young, can dream. Sometimes these dreams can be very impressive for people. Sometimes, even the dreams that our close circle tells and we listen to, affect people very much. I am very rarely affected, but if these dreams come true. Very recently, someone said to me. In fact, a few dreams occur in every sleep, but most of them are never remembered. This is really true. Recently, there was a topic around me about buying a new car. I was talking with my parents about the car, down to the model of the car. A few days later, I had a dream. We were buying the exact car we were talking about and we were driving by the area we were talking about with the new car. .I had such a dream because it was embedded in my subconscious. Now, as I remember it, I can never forget it when I was little. I want to tell you about a funny dream of mine. I had a dream nine or ten years ago, when I was four years old, and it was a dream I could never forget. It was a normal weekend morning. We were all at home that day, and in the dream my mother was giving me very happy news. But I don’t remember what news she had. She was so happy when I heard that news. I was so happy that I couldn’t stand still. Then, I was jumping around the house with happiness. After jumping a few times, I realized I was flying. Once I started flying, I was flying wherever I wanted. Then, of course, I woke up from the dream. I told my mother about this. My mother told me that I was impressed by a cartoon I watched. He said. I was really influenced by that movie that I watched with great pleasure when I was little. While watching that striped movie on TV, in one episode, two wings appeared from the sides of the girl’s shoes and she suddenly started flying. People at any age can be affected by the things they hear and watch, and this can have both a positive and negative effect.

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