The importance of educating the society we live in about agriculture, environment and environmental problems has been highly debated. The pollution of the World has been increasing rapidly which may be too harmful for the planet we live in and for the animals which we share the same planet with. It is recommended that people should raise awareness about farming and environment but is it really necessary to educate students who are at primary school?
From my point of view, in primary school students should be taught about agriculture and environment. Learning about the environment at such an early age will make them aware of the environmental problems such as climate change which our planet has been facing for years. The planet we live in has been experiencing the consequences of environmental problems which, in my opinion, is caused by lack of knowledge about farming and environment. Additionally, kids who farm learn how important their role is in the production of the food that feeds them, their families and their friends. Agriculture education should be a mandatory lesson in primary schools because students learn ways to efficiently feed a burgeoning population and gain a better understanding of food production and distribution. Moreover, learning about agriculture will teach kids responsibility because Anything that is raised or grown on a farm depends on the farmer. Daily care for animals and plants is essential for raising and producing a quality, healthy and delicious product. Feeding and watering, cleaning and grooming, building and fixing are daily tasks that take place on every farm, everyday. Farming and learning about agriculture is a great way to teach kids problem solving skills. Animals have a mind of their own and things change on a daily basis. As a farmer kids need to figure out ways to get chores done if animals, weather or equipment doesn’t want to cooperate. Fixing fence, pulling weeds, fixing watering systems so that everything on the farm continues to function are just some problems that farmers face daily. Furthermore, Farming teaches kids how to care for animals. Proper care for animals is essential in raising quality food. Animals need food and shelter. Farming teaches kids why and how different animals receive different feed, require different types of shelter and need different care at different times.
To sum up, learning about agriculture and farming at an early age has numerous benefits for the planet and the personal development of kids.