Farm Life

When I was a puppy I used to be a pet dog because farm life is not as easy as being a pet animal. Nowadays I think farm life is better than home life but it depends on your species. For example pig colony liders. Mr. Pigges has been saying

”The farm life is hard the stupid owner always forgets to feed us that’s why we always eat our …”

You heard him thinking like that but I Don’t agree with him because my owner never forgot to feed me. Pig colonies are lier. I think just thinking of making a riot like “Animal Farm”.So let’s listen to the big rooster, all animals show a big respect to him because he defeated thousands of roosters like himself and he is our alarm, undefeated, winner, owner of chickens Sir Luco. He told

“organizing a thousand chickens is so hard for me but except the night we are free on the farm like the small dog”.

I  think “the small dog…”  is me but anyway I am going to talk to him after this interview. I agree with him in some parts but he is not the organizer of all chickens. The organizer is Lucy . She is an assistant here. She is not as good as the owner but she is so helpful to us. But there is an animal who knows everything he’s name is Bully. He is the main dog of the house but he doesn’t like strangers .İf he sees you, he can kill you …That is why I can’t do an interview with him but there is nothing we can do. But there is one guy who knows everything more them him. Her name is Morrochiano however we can’t find her, Morrochiano was a smart guy, no one could fool her but I don’t know who could have missed her ? Anyway, let’s go to the nearest owner. The Owner told us

“Harm life so hard but much better than the other lifestyles because we are family in farm maybe they can’t understand us but they know me who I am and I am The Owner Of This Farm Georgeya Orbad “.

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