Fame Or Shame

Although being famous might sound like a cool thing, it has more cons than pros. First of all, being recognized everywhere you go will be overwhelming after some time and you might feel under pressure and might even be scared to do tiny mistakes because you are judged whatever your actions are. As a famous person, you are not allowed to do the things that an average person can. For an example, you can’t go grocery shopping and act like everything is normal. A famous person is also more likely to attract a stalker. Many celebrities were shot and killed because of this, and were later found next to desolated garbage.

One of the worst disadvantage of being famous is probably attracting too many fake friends. Just because of your connections and money you can have friends who act like they’re your closest. As a famous person, you have absolutely no permission to make mistakes, or you will be talked throughout your whole career. You will be judged frequently and nothing can stop this from happening. Just don’t make mistakes. Did I also mention that you, no matter what, will be followed everywhere by the paparazzis? This results in zero privacy.

Besides all of the cons being listed, let’s talk about the only three positive sides of fame. You will have a lot of money and will be able to buy anything you want. You will have many supporting fans throughout your career and they are the only ones to make up for the hate that you get. You will also have various opportunities and will most likely never be unemployed. To conclude, being famous is both a gift and a curse. Popularity can make or break you, and it depends upon you on how to make the best use of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

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