Faceless Men

Some people have dreams that are unforgettable, and I’m one of them. Dreams could be bad or good, and mine was terrifying for me because I thought it was real.
The dream was taking place in my room; that was the main reason I was so scared. My nightmare starts when I wake up in my room. After I woke up, I felt thirsty and headed to the kitchen to fill some water. I got to the kitchen and heard some noises, but I didn’t mind and started to drink my water. But I noticed that the noises started to get closer. Then I saw a silhouette, but I didn’t know what the silhouette was. It was nothing like a human, and it was too fast to be recognized. First, I thought the silhouette was a mind game made by my brain, but I saw it again two seconds later. After I saw it again, I got a knife from the kitchen. Then I waited to see him again, so I could stab him. I saw it like five minutes later at the entrance of the kitchen, and it was a human. It was a masked man. I stabbed him, but he didn’t have any red blood; it was blue, and when I unrevealed his face, it was faceless. I got terrified when I saw it without a face, and after several minutes, it started to move his fingers. I tried to stab it again, but it held my hand, got the knife, and threw it out of the window.
Then I woke up in the garden of a house that I didn’t know, and I was in some type of sacrificial ritual. I was cuffed to a table, so I couldn’t move. I saw another faceless man coming to me with a decorated knife. He cut my leg and started to chop it into smaller pieces, and he started to give pieces of my leg to another faceless man. They ate the pieces and disappeared. I was in a situation where I was in an unknown place with one leg. Then I heard a bullet noise and woke up in real life.

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