Explosive Machine

It was pitch dark. Nothing was visible. I had found my home, even though it was difficult for me to see what was in front of me. But it was like this wasn’t my home. Because my house was well-maintained. This one was rubbish. I went in and the furniture, the lamps, the walls were the same as my house. It couldn’t have been a coincidence, because on the wall was a photo I took with my friend. After walking around for a while, I noticed something on the ground. It was a candle with blood on it. Then all of a sudden, they started to multiply. They were more than one now. The more they burned, the more they multiplied. So, I blew towards them. I heard something fell from inside. Whatever happened, happened right then, when I was blowing out the candles. When I went inside, I saw that the wall had been split open, and there was a secret place behind it.

When I entered, I encountered a cloning machine inside. It was written on the machine that there was a big explosion during the cloning and that the world had to be emptied completely, and that was about a week ago. Now I understood why I was alone in the whole world, because everyone had run away. The machine started making different sounds. It had a counter on it and it was going to explode soon.

I thought it was too late now, but at that moment, I was out of shape and disappeared. Then I opened my eyes on a large spaceship. I was with the people. I was very happy. News of the solar system’s exploding were shown on the spaceship’s huge-screen televisions. People had teleported me on board with new technology. When I looked outside, the solar system looked tiny. I knew I was safe now.

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