Everything Was A Lie!

My Dear Best Friend Duru ,

First of all how are you ? we finished the fırst school semester what do you think abou ıt? ın my opinion ıt was a great semester.Anyway, back to our main topic. Yesterday ın my dream I saw the genie in Alaaddin’s lamp and ıt told me that I have the right to make 3 wishes. Then ı said that  I want one more wish. And ıt said that now I have three wishes left.Yeah ıt’s  very logical I don’t understand how I didn’t think of this. Then I wished to pass all the literature exams. Because the literature exams make traumas on me. For my second wish, I said that I wanted the right to eternal life with my family. As the third and last wish, I said that I wanted all my wishes to come true. After all, after the genie’s joke, one should not trust ıt. Then ıt said ıt would make my wishes come true. I don’t believe ıt , but  it should be used while there is an opportunity. That’s why I said my wishes. Then on next day our literature exams results are explained . Guess what ? did I pass ? or I can’t pass ? Yeah , I pass the exam when they explain the results I be shocked. Because I were not think that ıt will be happen. Then something very bad happened. I woke up . Yes, all this was actually my absurd dream.Everything was a lie ! It took me a while to come to my senses when I realized that it was all just a dream.Because even though I thought it was absurd and untrue, I might have believed it a little. And I may be a little disappointed by all this. Anyway , after digesting that it was all bullshit and lies, I decided to tell you. If you had this dream, what would you wish for and what would your reaction be when you found out that it was a dream at the end? I am very curious about ıt. So do not forget to write your own reactions when replying to my letter. I will be waiting for your answer. Take care of yourself, hope to see you soon.

From : Nilsu

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