Everything is Learned Everywhere.

A person learns many things in his daily life. these are the things he has learned as a result of his experiences in his life. they don’t even have a place or time. we don’t need to be in a specific place to learn something. we can learn anytime, anywhere. we don’t know where this information will come from and when it will come.

people don’t need a place or a place to get information. they can get information anytime, anywhere. they just need to learn some basic things. this is already covered by the school. no matter how basic knowledge they learn in school; such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology or main subjects…

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Besides, if we go to the very basics, we learn our mother tongue. but this is never enough information for our survival. we need more than that. we need the experience of certain things to survive. Since these experiences are experiences that we cannot get in school, we cannot acquire every knowledge in school. If we need to give a few small examples, for example, cooking. Of course there are courses for these, but there are many people who learn by experience. For example, when we go to a school, we are not taught recipes. and we are not told how to shop in a store. they are not needed because these are normal events that we encounter in our daily lives. or you have visited a country with another example. You go by knowing the flag of that country, the spoken language, the religion and a few more general information. But when you go there, you learn the street language, the original culture and everything from the behavior of the people in detail. you’re learning more than you learned in school. Because you’re in that place, you’re not just limited to books.

As a result, you can learn many things that you cannot learn in school by experiencing them in your life outside. we don’t need a specific place for you to learn these things. everything is learned everywhere.

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