Environmental Destruction

Global warming is a  problem that has plagued the world for many years and it contains the risk of annihilating humanity in the upcoming years. Many scientists are taking notice and they are guessing that humanity might have to continue it’s race on a different planet. Although there have been some efforts by certain governments to halt global warming they have not been very effective. There are obviously many reasons behind this problem such as the use of fossil fuels, deforestation, etc…


I believe if politicians take notice and if they actually intend to solve this problem it could be easily solved ,however, many developing countries require fossil fuels to develop, countries such as China, India would probably be unwilling to cooperate. Another problem with trying to tackle global warming would be to deal with some of the economic impacts of shutting down or restricting the activities of oil, natural gas companies and factories that use coal, other fossil fuels. The oil and natural gas industries employed 9.8 million people in the US alone which made up 5.6% of total employment. Obviously these sectors aren’t the only ones that use fossil fuels , the car industry also uses oil to run their cars just like the plane, shipping industries which make up a huge portion of a countries economy…


Companies such as Tesla have tried to make completely electric cars and Tesla has been very successful ,however, there has not been any other company such as Tesla that has been such a success in transitioning from these industries. Public awareness about this issue is very little in many countries and oil, natural companies that benefit from these industries have a massive influence on the media and politicians which is another reason why politicians are unwilling to do anything about the problem. One of the main reasons that much has not been done about this problem is these very powerful and influential companies…


Due to all of these reasons it would be extremely difficult to transition away from all of the industries that cause global warming even if the public is on board. To transition away from these industries without doing any damage to the economy or society would be extremely difficult and it would require a  careful and steady transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources have been proven to be adequate when used and it is believed  that they would be cheaper and more efficient than other energy sources…


I personally believe that global warming could be prevented with the right planning despite all the lobbying by oil companies and the economic impact of the transition. Companies such as Tesla have proven that it is in fact possible to make cars without using non-renewable sources and we can expect other companies in other industries to follow suit. If we all work together, make the right decisions, support the right companies we make global warming a thing of the past…


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