Entering to a New World

I was like everybody, I had a pretty ordinary life before I passed through the door. It all started with me and my best friend went to a summer camp. The summer camp was in an isolated neighborhood in Scotland. It was an international summer camp so I met a lot of people from other cultures and I learned new things from them.

First day me and my best friend Kayla met with a Chinese girl named Genji. I was fascinated by her name so I asked the meaning of her name and she said “It means heal” I said “What a lovely name” then she said “Thanks” After that conversation me, Kayla and Genji started to hang out all the time. Every morning Genji woke up early and found a remote place to practice Tai Chi and I wanted her to teach me some Tai Chi moves too. So the next morning we went together and she showed me the moves. After our first Tai Chi practice we started to do it every morning. But later on other campers started to take over our Tai Chi area so Genji and I decided to look for another area. We went to a full forest that reminded us of how lovely nature may be by the dense forest. There was a beautiful rainbow enlightening the trees. While searching for a clear spot we found a door which had a tree-like shape. Genji opened the tree-like door. Inside the door there were clouds above the blue sky and green grasses surrounded the ground. It looked like Earth but it wasn’t because our world isn’t this clean and the sky is not as blue as it is in here. There were some butterflies that had a beautiful pattern on them. Genji said ”What a gorgeous view” and I agreed with her but it was time to go back to the real world.

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