End of The World

As you know that at this century the technology reaches the best of all time and It is still developing. But this development gets some responsibilityfor our world: we are finishing the resources of world, polluting the enviroment and cause diseases and mutations on the life of organisms. This use cause biodiversity loss. For nowadays countries and scientists try to find some solutions for this global problem. Moreover this solutions firstly about the use of resources. This is for the inventions that uses non-renewable resources. First we have to change our resources preferences non-reneweable to reneweable ones.

So when you change your use of energy style you can save so much thing for the world. We use sun light but not normal way. If we capture the sun light energy and use for wind energy It is more usefull. It works like, we use some of  the energy for heating and the remaining amount is for the wind turbine. At the end we get higheer energy. Additionaly one of the global problem is cars and air pollution. There is two way to love. One is use filters for car exhaust but this is  not a permanentsolution for this problem. And the second way is use the hydrogen gas. I think this solution is the permanent one. Because ‘H2’ can be get from the water and if we take ‘H2’ from water, only waste is the oxygen gas. As a result we use water and make some reaction in the car engiine, and at the end we observe H2 for movement of car and oxygen gas for relase.

On the other hand There is one big problem too, ‘The Plastic’. Also scientists says that the wates in the oceans are bigger than the Europe. So we need to find a solution for it. I think we can use cellulose for packaging of foods for decrease the use of plastic. Also ıt is biodigredable, which means It dissolves in the nature,. In my opinion this is the benefitial for the nature. I think this is the way we can remove the plastic in our life

At the end this world’s time is ending and It is becoming faster because of us. That’s why we should find a way to save the world or just wait until the end with doing nothing about the problems. To find a solution isnot hard for world, The reason of why we get solutions is, solutions are damaging the money of the big guys. That’s why we using the solution is hard. But we have to support the nature and save the world.

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