Matt wakes up as the sun warms up his face. He slowly walks to the bedroom after looking at the clock. Getting dressed up and going to school, he doesn’t think about anything. After getting on the subway, he stares blankly at the person sitting in front of him. When he reaches to the campus, he sees his buddy Erick but ignores him because emotions and bonds didn’t matter today. He arrives to the class late, but he gets a calm well phrased criticism rather than an annoying angry shout. The class is based on human emotions because Matt wants to become a psychiatrist. Oddly enough the teacher just sits down and stares at the students for a while before calling the class off because he can’t remember the key subject of the lesson “emotions”. Matt awkwardly can’t remember anything he has learnt about the topic. He mindlessly sits on a chair waiting for his next lesson “Physics Core and Extended” which he normally would be annoyed to take this lesson because he can’t cope with the teacher and usually has arguments with him but now, he doesn’t feel anything towards the teacher. When the teacher finishes the lecture, he gives the papers of the last exam that Matt took a week ago. Matt looks at the paper with thoughts such as: “I normally don’t get these high grades, what has changed?” rather than feeling shocked, happy or confused he just has one question that isn’t related with emotions: “What is happening?” Although he asks the right question, he can’t learn the answer because he can’t remember what it was like in the past. He just has a blank area about his past life. He can remember the times he has completed a responsibility emotionless, just like now, but he can’t remember his early ages. After school Matt returns to his apartment. Having a little spark inside him poking his curiosity. He slowly tries to identify old pictures of his past-self. And right when the clock hits seven p.m. he finds his childhood photo where he was originally smiling with joy but somehow now the baby in the picture stares with a blank expression. He manages to find a photo that hasn’t been corrupted. He sees a newborn baby crying his lungs out to breathe. Right then and there the fading spark inside him bursts into a large flame making him feel nostalgic and joyful. He understands that the whole world has been corrupted by being emotionless and he somehow has got to help it. If there is a solution to fix this comfortably numb world, he MUST try. This society may work like gears in a clock without feelings, but something is missing. Meaning of all the labour of life or what? He gets in bed, confused and disoriented. But what about tomorrow?
Tomorrow will be the same.