Effects of Urbanisation

Urbanisation has increased considerably, especially in the last hundred years. With the increase in urbanisation, the effects of this situation have become more and more on the agenda. Among the first of these effects that come to mind are environmental pollution and excessive traffic.

Our nature, which was once immaculate, is now drowned in wastes due to people’s unconsciousness and selfishness. On the one hand, there are chemical-medical wastes that will pollute not only the time we live in but also the centuries after us, while on the other hand, there are plastic wastes that silently poison our world. It is impossible for a person to see these wastes disappear spontaneously in nature because a plastic cup thrown today can only be destroyed by nature in a few human lifetimes.

In addition to the irreversible damage to our world, plastic wastes also spoil the beauty of the cities that form the image of a country, sometimes reflecting a historical heritage and sometimes a natural miracle. The rubbish scattered on every corner of the streets is perhaps the common work of the laziness of dozens of people. While people throwing their own rubbish into the garbage is an action that will take only a few minutes, it has become a common problem of people living in big cities to be condemned to live in other people’s garbage because of the laziness of people who are incapable of throwing their own garbage.

As if environmental pollution wasn’t bad enough on its own, one of the biggest disadvantages of living in a big city is the traffic factor, which makes people’s daily lives more and more difficult. People who spend hours on the road in a car due to traffic have to start the day at least an hour earlier than people living in small cities in order not to interrupt their responsibilities. And unfortunately, considering the increasing population, the problems related to traffic will increase with each passing year and will strengthen its place on the agenda.

So what should people do when this is the case? Should they just waste hours complaining about the problems? In my opinion, people should first of all become conscious and aware, otherwise all measures taken and all solutions found will be short-lived and temporary. Of course, a big problem such as traffic can be solved by a correct urbanisation programme and order. Apart from this, encouraging people to use public transport can be a solution for both traffic and environmental pollution.

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