Effective Project

Most people believe that teamwork is a very important element to be successful. Even though we have an adage to prove it but do you think that teamwork is a key to success? We think that if more people are working it will increase creativity and as an impact of it, there would be a more unique job to be done. But some people don’t think teamwork is increase creativity, even more, it decreases creativity and is called ‘The Ringelmann effect’

The Ringelmann effect says that, As the number of people in a group increases, the individual contribution to the work done by the users’ decreases! When we think about maybe it makes no sense in teams, but most of the teams think if they don’t do their job properly or are sloppy people won’t notice it and they will get rid of it easily. Because people think that if there’s no one to notice their creativity on a job they don’t have a reason to use themselves more this is the reason why the creativeness is decreased.

For example, whenever the class is crowded we can just easily prefer not to talk and it won’t be noticed by the other people. But when we take private lessons, we don’t have any chance to not to talk or sleep etc. most of the people think private lessons are more beneficial compare to school because of the teachers but I don’t agree with it. Private lessons seem more helpful because we are the only person to listen to that subject we are pushing ourselves to understand the topic because we know that if we don’t, the teacher will notice we are trying our best because there is someone who notices that.

People Similar to Ringelmann’s original research, more contemporary findings indicate that individual effort does decrease as a function of group size. These findings have been replicated using a number of different group sizes and a number of different tasks with coordination playing a bigger role as group size increases. Possible causes have been suggested to account for decreased motivation. The second is that as group size increases so does an individual’s belief that other group members will be able to successfully accomplish the task at hand, thus leading to decreased effort.In conclusion, we should focus on the ideas, not the number of the people if we Push people harder and equality on work tasks this would make the project more extraordinary.

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