Effect of Money

Your money will be digital. Will it be smart? - The Economic TimesFirstly, what is money? Money is the thing that we spend for getting or buying things like clothes, food, a house etc. So, you can buy the things that you need if you have enough money, but if you have too much money to spend, then there might be a little problem.  

Here is the thing, if the person has too much money, the person might lose him/herself. For example, let’s think that there is a person, and the person has a house, a car, the amount of clothes that is enough for he or she, the amount of money to buy food and water for him or herself… I mean the person can provide her/himself his/her basic needs. Most probably if this person wins a lottery, a big prize or something like that this person would lose her/himself because of the amount of money that he/she received. Because that’s a kind of money that the person is not used of, that’s the kind of money which is not normal for the person so most probably the person wouldn’t know how to act so the person would lose her/himself and buy a lot of unnecessary things, and most probably forget who he/she was, who his/her family was or who his/her friends are. 

Like this saying from Bill Gates, “When you have money in hand, only you forget who you are. But when you do not have any money in your hand, the whole world forgets who you are.” I totally agree with this saying, like I mentioned previously when you have a lot of money in your hands you might forget everything even yourself, and if you lost that money or if you don’t have money the whole world might treat you like no body or might forget you. 

So, eventually what I am trying to say is that I totally agree with Bill Gates’s saying about money and how it changes a person’s status or case. 


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