Many ideas can be suggested to improve our education system. First, using alternative assessment methods instead of standardized tests can better reflect students’ different abilities and skills. For example, methods such as projects, presentations, portfolios, and performance assessments allow a deeper examination of the students’ learning processes. These methods help students develop skills that will enable them to be successful in real life rather than just in a particular test. Additionally, it is important to include arts and sports more in the education curriculum. These activities, which support students’ creativity and physical health, enrich the educational experience. For example, schools can devote more time to sports fields as well as art courses such as painting, music, and theater. This can help students improve their self-expression skills and develop healthy living habits.

These changes aim to provide a more balanced education by focusing not only on students’ academic success but also on their personal and social development. By enabling students to acquire various skills without relying solely on textbooks, it can contribute to their becoming more successful and happier individuals in the future. Restructuring the education system in this way can enable students to use their potential to the highest level and have a positive impact on the overall development of society.

Turkiye is truly terrible in these matters. While giving sports lessons, they try to teach us not global sports but sports that attract almost no one’s attention. I have never taken a football lesson in my life; I was only forced to train in sports that I did not like, such as handball and volleyball. Other countries attach much more importance to these activities. They try to make schools a fun place, not a prison. For example, Turkish schools clearly hate football. Or they always put us through tests. These practices shouldn’t continue. Unless these issues are addressed, the Turkish education system cannot develop, and we will only migrate to other countries. For example, in American schools, people are given high scholarships just for basketball, and they are guided by basketball. The education system there is better than in Turkey.

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