Have you ever thought about how getting rid of features that you don’t like by replacing them with features you want would make you feel? If this were possible, you would have your dream look. Actually, it is possible. Technology has rapid advances, especially nowadays. Many of these are in biotechnology. And the most popular one these days is CRISPR-Cas9, which made my first sentence possible. It is a gene-editing tool that works as a pair of scissors, which enables scientists to modify a gene. With CRISPR, scientists can prevent many diseases just by removing the unadvantageous gene. It seems like a perfect innovation! But do you think it has drawbacks, or is it ethical to change a gene just because we want to?
People usually try to do things in their favor by not thinking about what incidents occur beyond it. So, we can’t draw a line between necessary and not needed treatments. This can cause very harmful consequences for future generations. For example, the lives of species and the environment are always balanced, but we change the balance by changing their genes. If species cannot adapt to their new feature, they may become extinct, which is no longer a problem specific to that species but affects nature. Also, it is not ethical because the “designer babies” will restrict the person’s free will. The fact that “designer babies” are shaped according to the expectations of the family or society can make it difficult for them to develop their identities and individualities. This situation may restrict the individual’s free will and right to choose because the changes weren’t their option. However, the changes are beneficial; gene editing will be accessible only to the wealthy, which also causes societal inequality.
Apart from being unethical, CRISPR has some risks. It can fail and may cause off-target effects that could introduce new genetic problems or mutations. It needs some improvements. Additionally, there are some possibilities we didn’t consider. Some diseases can involve different parts of DNA, so adjusting a gene would not be enough. Unfortunately, it takes time, and it is hard to find all the genes that cause the problem, which decreases the potential of CRISPR to prevent diseases completely.
In conclusion, CRISPR-Cas9 is a considerable innovation that may change our lives and prevent diseases. However, we can’t 100% rely on this technology until it becomes completely safe. Also, we should know that it can cause inequalities and unethical behavior in our society. So, scientists must use this technology very carefully and know the boundary between safe and might be unsafe in the future.