Easy to Watch Hard to Understand

Rick and Morty is an animated science fiction tv-series created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network’s late-night programming. It was realized in 2013 and become the top-rated comedy show in 2017. The sitcom is about the adventures of mad scientist Rick and his grandson Morty. This animation makes people watch colorful visual pleasure in each episode.

Rick and Morty Season 5- Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland share an enticing new update on Rick and Morty's fifth season - Finance Rewind

The plot is about the infinite adventures of Rick, a genius alcoholic and careless mad-scientist, with his grandson Morty, a 14-year-old anxious boy. Together they travel across the multiverse, time and space. Everywhere they go they manage the find trouble as Rick is one of the most hated guy in the universe. In each episode, they discover new magical places in which Rick usually had an amazing adventure beforehand.  They try to get out of that place alive.

Rick and Morty has a very different kind of humor that we see in the other animations or tv-shows. Most of the time it is hard to understand the story because the plot is usually vague. You have to combine little details to comprehend what is going on. Even though it is a fiction series this show has strong similarities with our daily life. It is amazing to find something about life in an animation with an absurd storytelling structure. I think this separates Rick and Morty from other tv-shows. I love this show because the creators of the show has a genius way to show us the feelings of the characters and make us think about ourselves in a very weird way.

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