
Natural disasters is one of the most terrifying events since the beginning of human life on earth that leads to loss of human life even after all these years. One of these awful events that’s classified under the category are earthquakes. Earthquake is by definition is any sudden shaking of the ground caused by seismic waves that occur in Earths crust. After an earthquake an aftershock occurs in the same main region as the earthquake but in a smaller magnitude.

As from the records the worst earthquake (According to death count.) in history of humans is named Tangshan. An earthquake that happened in 1976 that’s estimated to have the worst death toll in history.

Even in the recent earthquakes around our world we sadly still see massive loss in human life against these horrific events, but is it possible to change this count?

If we look into Japan a country that’s frequently having problems with earthquakes caused by the country’s geographic location we find out they actively solved the problem, yes deaths still occur by earthquakes in japan mostly because of tsunamis but when we compare the death toll with the other country’s we see that there is a clear difference between.

With precaution in placed, Japan still has deaths but we shouldn’t forget the death toll has been greatly reduced.

But how? So Japan puts considerable effort into educating people about its response systems, its infrastructure and its citizens for potential disasters. For example children practise ducking under the desk in earthquake drills throughout their school years. All adults are told where their closest evacuation center is located. The government of Japan has invested in a monitoring system (Founded in 1952, the Tsunami Warning Service is operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)).

In most towns and cities, loudspeaker systems can broadcast emergency information to residents. In some rural areas, residents also have radios distributed by the local government over which instructions to evacuate can be broadcast.

Today Japan is still best example in the fight against earthquakes thanks to their educated citizens and precautions, but the real credit should go to education as thanks to it people have been informed to counter these events.

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