Door to an Abandoned World

When I woke up, I felt something different than usual. Maybe I had known that something mysterious was going to happen. Despite the feeling of doubt, I didn’t pay attention to it. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost twelve o’clock. I wondered how I had slept so long. I got up from my bed and headed to the living room. I called my family, but nobody replied my calls back. I looked at all the rooms at home. Finally, I noticed that there was no one at home, which made me uncomfortable.

While I was going back to my room and thinking about what to do, I saw the old door on the wall of my room. I couldn’t believe that a feeling drove me toward the door. I thought I was crazy. I walked through the door and found myself in a park. I didn’t know how I got there. It was a park with pale colors. There was nobody in the park. I was alone. It was obvious that this was an old park since most of the toys were damaged. When I turned back, I couldn’t see the door where it was supposed to be.

How had the mysterious door in my room brought me here? Where were all the people? How would I return home? I had a lot of unanswered questions in my mind. I started wandering among the high-rise buildings. I didn’t know where to go. The gray buildings had no entrance, their ends reaching to the sky, and their mirrored windows didn’t reveal anything from the outside to the inside. I saw these buildings everywhere I turned, but no one was living there. A few hundred meters later, I was again near the same old park. Everywhere was alike, so I thought I’d draw a circle and get back to where I was. The same old park greeted me at the end of every place I walked, every road I came to. I had no idea how to get out of there. All I could do was walk until I found a way out.

I sighed with fear that I’d probably stay there forever. I couldn’t take any more steps after a while, and I started to think about what I had lived through so hopelessly next to that old park. While I was still in shock at what I had experienced, I realized the door that I had come from.

I started walking towards the door, thinking that this door might take me home again. I was just about to open the door by holding the handle when I heard someone behind me yell, “Don’t… don’t move an inch! It is too dangerous for you”. When I looked in the direction the voice came from, five or six people who looked like they were from other planets were standing. These people wore shiny metal masks on their faces and wore unique clothes I had never seen before. It was like I was frozen in place, unable to move. All I wanted at that moment was to go through the door and go home, but I couldn’t do anything. One of the women with long, dark hair approached me and started to make strange movements with her hands. After that, I was surrounded by a green light that was coming from the people. I felt my eyes close. I was able to hear the people around me talking as if it was a whisper.

I couldn’t understand what was happening at that moment, but when I opened my eyes, I was in my bed at home. I immediately looked where the door should have been, but it wasn’t there. I couldn’t think of the possibility that everything could be a dream, but everything seemed too real and scary to be a dream. There were noises from the house, so my family was at home. I didn’t think much about this event. I thought that this was only a trick in my mind. I was just so glad that these things were over. Finally, I was in the place where I belonged.

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