Don’t Pollute, Keep Clean!

Today, with the developing technology, changes are constantly experienced in many areas such as transportation, housing, structuring and education. The speed of these developments is increasing day by day, and with the numerical development, some beneficial factors as well as harmful factors emerge in life and quality. One of these problems is environmental pollution. This problem, which is talked about a lot today and many activities are carried out to raise people’s awareness, means the unnatural deterioration of the environment by human hands, that is, pollution. There are multiple types of this pollution


One of these types is air pollution. The air we breathe and without which we cannot continue our lives is polluted and re-cleaned in a cycle and used by living things. However, the fact that the air is too polluted harms this cycle and causes some problems to be revealed. Toxic gases that occur due to the failure to install filters in factory chimneys, the exhaust released as a result of the cars that need to be maintained at regular intervals are not taken to the maintenance by the owners, and the use of non-environmentally friendly gases such as deodorants and perfumes used in cosmetics are the main causes of air pollution. As a result of these problems, skin diseases, hair loss and lung diseases occur.

Another type of pollution is water pollution, which is one of the main needs necessary for us to live. Wastewater coming from sewers and released into rivers, dumping of agricultural wastes resulting from agricultural activities into waters, not controlling oil spills and not taking precautions against leakage, plastic garbage thrown into the seas are among the events that cause this pollution. Drought, desertification, decrease in forest areas, decrease in agriculture are among the harmful consequences of this pollution.

It is imperative to take some precautions to keep our world livable and to transfer these pollutions, which are increasing day by day, to future generations. An example of these measures is the protests of the people. These regional protests, which are spread through communication, can become international and help raise people’s awareness. Young children can be instilled with awareness of pollution prevention through early education. Institutions and organizations can be established in countries related to each of these pollutants and an international pollution organization can be established. Thanks to the cameras on the road or the lifeguards on the beach, discarded garbage and neglected cars can be detected and heavy penalties can be imposed. If everyone tries to prevent this pollution with their own behaviors, it can increase the peace and welfare level of the society and ensure that we do not leave a good future for our grandchildren.

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