It's A+. Grade encircled. Sticky isolated over white.It's A+. Grade encircled. Sticky isolated over white.

Does The Number Of Siblings Affect Academic Success

What is academic success? Academic success is learning new things and achieving education goals and being successfull in exams and most of all going on learning new things and achieving new goals. If you are going to be a college student, academic success is a necessity. If you are a high school student who wants to be a college student, it is a must for you to be academically successfull.


What are the things that affect academic success? There are too many different factors that affect academic success. For example student’s smartness, student’s learning skills, student’s adequate nutrition, student’s learning environment, student’s family, being in a good school, having good teachers…


But is there other factors that affect academic success? For example does the number of siblings affect academic success? The answer to this question is: Of course the number of siblings affect academic success. If you compare the academic success of a family with five children with a family with one child, you can easily see that the one child can be much more successfull academically than the five children.


A single child who lives in a family with only one child has many more opportunities. A single child can have his or her own room that he or she can study lesson and do homework much more comfortably; a single child can go to a private school because as he or she is one child the family can afford a private school and at a private school he or she can have more opportunities to learn much better; a single child can have adequate nutrition; a single child’s family can buy him or her necessary things for academic success such as computer, books,or other things to help for lerning and studying better.


The children in a family that has five children have much less chance of academic success. Because each child can not have his or her own room, these children can not have suitable space for doing homework and studying lessons; a family with five children can not afford their children to go to a private school and for this reason the children have to go to a state school where the opportunities are worser than prviate schools; a family with five children may be even can not provide adequate nutrition and inadequate nuutritient can lead to learning disability; in a family with five children buying necessary educational equipment for each child is impossible and if every child can not have his or her computer  this can cause a problem for studying and learning.


As a result, it is very clear that the number of siblings affect academic success. But the only exception is family’s beeing very rich. If a family is very rich, having too many children will not affect academic success of these children.



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