There are 4 main reasons why we have  mood swings such as hormones , brain chemicals ,psychology  and environment .

For example, people always give chocolate to make us happy when we eat it but have you ever wondered why people say that or why it actually works? Let me tell you why. There are small quantities of tryptophan and amino acids in chocolate and when they get linked together they produce a neurotransmitter called serotonin that produces the feelings of happiness.

It is not only chocolate that has the neurotransmitter serotonin carbohydrates also have serotonin. Another kind of neurotransmitter that has an effect on our mood is dopamine and norepinephrine. These are mostly in foods with high protein like fish, beef, chicken, eggs the effect of these  brain chemicals is that they keep you motivated and concentrated.

It is important to note that food does not directly correlate to emotions (there is no such a thing as a happiness pill in certain foods ) , however the way in which they vary in affecting energy levels can impact our mood . 

it is really important to have a healthy diet since the food we eat affect our mood and if we are not eating the right type of food with the right nutrients it won’t have a healthy effect on our mental well being furthermore now i know the importance of not skipping a meal like breakfast because if you don’t eat something in the morning it can cause low blood sugar which causes us to feel tired and weak.

Beyond mood and well-being the role of diet on mental well being is very complex and yet not understood completely; however research linking the two is growing rapidly and evidence shows that food can contribute to the development , prevention and management of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. 

in conclusion I believe that  the foods we eat and the nutrients they have have an effect on our mood but if you ask me when you eat chocolate do you feel happy I would say yes but I don’t believe it has that big of an effect ; nevertheless I still believe that nutrients and foods have an effect on our mood just not instant or lasting effects .

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