It’s a lot said that a good start in life means a better life journey. But there are opposite opinions as well. And truth doesn’t seem to be any one of them at all. But then what is?
It is verified that the early ages of people are a huge factor in their future life. At an early age, the brain is “empty” and intends to learn and remember things more than our other ages. And also, as we humans are biological life forms, any part of our body works more efficiently at early ages. Besides, because our brain keeps improving until our twenties, it is more likely that we easily remember memories and pieces of knowledge from our younger times. If you learn to play an instrument from an early age, you may be able to play it after long years with no practice. A 70-year-old man could easily forget how to open the TV, but he could easily remember how to set up a radio, which he had done as a teenager years ago. I may even forget what I ate today(which I do a lot), but I may not forget the novels I read as a little boy.
And to get the most benefit from this aspect of our biology, people care about their children’s earlier education more than at any other time. And as we observe that children who are early educated are more successful, this makes some people think that life almost all depends on our early years. They say that if we spend our earlier years effectively, our future life is going to be great. But if we wasted our earlier years, it would have a giant impact on us throughout our lives. Well, that’s not something I agree with.
Although our early years are critical for our future, it doesn’t totally dominate our future. We have many stories of people who couldn’t get an education at an early age but learned to read and write in their forties and became able to reveal their skills. They face problems like advanced age, but as long as they’re eager to confront and figure them out, they achieve their goals. Maybe they don’t get as successful as the ones who got an education at an early age, but they can still have a better life for themselves, despite that they couldn’t effectively use early age.
Long story short, though early education is very important for people’s future; it’s still possible to create better lives for ourselves at any age.

Does Our Life Depend On Early Age Education?
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