Knowledge is like money. You won’t see any benefit as long as it stays in your pocket, but if you use it in the right place and at the right time, you will see the benefits. This is why using your information is important. If you do not use it, this information will accumulate and take up unnecessary space. Knowing this unnecessary information probably will make you care about boring details. This means that too much knowledge can make you unhappy.


Knowledge can increase people’s responsibilities, which can make them feel more stressed and anxious. As they become more conscious and sensitive, they will start to think more. For example, if a person learns more about global warming, they may be concerned about the impact on the environment or events taking place around them and they will be unhappy because they can’t find a fundamental solution to these issues. 


Very knowledgeable people can be people who have a lot of experience and have been through a lot. Seeing, experiencing and knowing the bad aspects of life makes a person more unhappy. For example, children are happier than adults because they have lived less and know less about life. They don’t know how tiring and sad life is. They have not experienced it yet. But as you will notice, adults do not have the energy and happiness like children because they know more about life. Another example is people living in Africa or like  other underdeveloped countries. They are unaware of current events or issues in the world and also since they do not know about luxury services such as technology, they do not make an effort to obtain them so they do not get upset. They are happy because their expectations are low.


“Ignorance is bliss” said Socrates. How can you be uncomfortable with something you don’t know? That’s why people avoid knowledge, they don’t want to know. Because it hurts to even know some information that we don’t like. You can’t deny that philosophers and scientists have a stressful life. Because they have struggled to learn and think about information throughout their lives. So don’t try to know a lot, sometimes it is better for us not to know something.

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